Sunday, August 7, 2011

Foundation Forms are Going In

Geoff Elliott visited the site on Tuesday, August 2.  The excavator and loader are gone.  Excavation is complete and foundation forms are going in (Trent and Kip in photo).  Adjustments have been made to grade to improve drainage - had one good thundershower and the drain wes working well.  Concrete work starts this next Tuesday.  Concrete and materials will be hauled from Winter Park Resort, Corona Lot (note change of loading location).

Geoff helped organize revegetation work with Paisley and was told that went well.  We are aiming for rock-veg mix with 75% coverage to mimic adjacent areas.  Best Management Practices (BMPs) are in place and need some maintenance which will be added to the to-do list for volunteers. 

Old A-Frame is now demolished and ready for hauling out by chopper, sad to see it go but so pleased with our upcoming replacement hut!

Visitors and crew should be aware of several moose in the area.  Take photos from a respectful distance and keep a close eye on kids and animals!